All Atatus API requests require authentication. You will have to send your requests through a secure HTTPS communication. All other requests will simply be ignored. An API key is a must in order to send us an authentic API request.

Generate New API Key

  1. Login to the Atatus dashboard as the account Owner or Admin.
  2. Go to Settings » Account Settings and click on API Keys tab.
  3. Click on the New API Key button.
  4. Provide the API Key Name and Select Permission as either "Read", "Write" or "Read & Write"
  5. Click on the Create button.

You will get a new API Key that you can use to make API requests.


There are 3 ways to send us the request:

  1. You can send the API key in the authorization header.

  2. You can authenticate using a query parameter. This is convenient for GET/DELETE requests.

  3. You can send the API key in the request body. This is convenient for POST/PUT requests.

    curl -F api_key="YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"

Status Codes

Each response will have a status code that tells you the result of your request. Below mentioned table specifies some of the codes and its associated meaning.

Status Code Meaning
200 OK - everything worked fine
201 Created - resource is created
204 No content - no info to send back
400 Bad request - your request is bad
401 Unauthorized - your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden - items are hidden for administrators only
404 Not found - the item could not be found
405 Method not allowed - you tried to access item with an invalid method
429 Too many requests - you’re requesting too many items. Please slow down
500 Internal server error - we have a problem with our server. Please try again later
503 Service unavailable - we are offline due to maintenance work. Please try again later

Error Message

Atatus uses relevant HTTP response codes to inform the results of the API requests. Generally, codes from the 200 series indicate a good request. Codes from the 400 series indicate errors due to misinformation from your side. Codes from the 500 series indicate Atatus server errors. A sample error response message:

    "Message" : "API key is invalid!"