Install the agent

  1. Install the Atatus.AspNetFullFramework package in your application.

    By installing Atatus.AspNetFullFramework package, auto instrumentation for ASP.NET (Full .NET Framework) happens automatically. Make sure to add a reference to the package in your Web.config file, and then compile and deploy your application.

    # Package Manager
    Install-Package Atatus.AspNetFullFramework -Version 2.0.1
    # .NET CLI
    dotnet add package Atatus.AspNetFullFramework --version 2.0.1
  2. Below is a sample Web.config configuration file for a ASP.NET application.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <add key="Atatus:AppName" value="YOUR_APP_NAME" />
            <add key="Atatus:LicenseKey" value="YOUR_LICENSE_KEY" />

    Ensure you have access to the application source code and install the Atatus.AspNetFullFramework package. Reference the Atatus.AspNetFullFramework in your application's Web.config file by adding the AtatusModule IIS module:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <add name="AtatusModule" type="Atatus.AspNetFullFramework.AtatusModule, Atatus.AspNetFullFramework" />
  3. Recompile your application and deploy it.

Use AtatusModule

By default the AtatusModule instantiates the APM agent on the first initialization. In certain cases, in order to apply filters during application start, you may want to control the agent instantiation. You can do that by using the CreateAgentComponents() method that is exposed by Atatus Module. Calling this would return the agnet components configured to work with ASP.NET Full Framework, using which you can then instantiate the agent.

For example, you can add SqlClientDiagnosticSubscriber() to the agent in the application start (Global.asax.cs):

public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
    protected void Application_Start()
        var agentComponents = AtatusModule.CreateAgentComponents();

        // add capturing of SQL client calls
        Agent.Subscribe(new SqlClientDiagnosticSubscriber());

         // other application startup e.g. RouteConfig, etc.