Uninstall ASP.NET CORE agent

  1. Remove the Atatus instrumentation in Startup.cs file.

  2. Remove the Atatus Configuration in appsettings.json file.

  3. Remove the Atatus NuGet package by using following commands.

    # Package Manager
    Uninstall-Package Atatus.NetCoreAll
    # .NET CLI
    dotnet remove package Atatus.NetCoreAll
  4. Restart your .NET server.

Uninstall ASP.NET agent (FullFramework)

  1. Remove the Atatus instrumentation and configuration in Web.config file.

  2. Remove the Atatus NuGet package by using following commands.

    # Package Manager
    Uninstall-Package Atatus.AspNetFullFramework
    # .NET CLI
    dotnet remove package Atatus.AspNetFullFramework
  3. Restart your IIS server.