You need to build the docker image with the Atatus agent to monitor PHP applications. Following is a sample dockerfile to install Atatus PHP Agent in the docker image.


FROM php:7.3.3-fpm-stretch
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install curl -y
RUN cd ~ \
    && export ATATUS_RELEASE="atatus-php-1.17.0-x64-debian" \
    && curl -sS "${ATATUS_RELEASE}.tar.gz" | tar xvzf - \
    && cd "${ATATUS_RELEASE}" \
    && ATATUS_LICENSE_KEY="lic_apm_***************" ATATUS_APP_NAME="PHP_Project_Name" bash \
    && cd .. \
    && unset ATATUS_RELEASE

You need to make the following changes to make this work.

  • Update ATATUS_RELEASE environment variable to latest version of the Atatus PHP agent.
  • Change the license key lic_apm_***************.
  • Change the APM app name(Optional).