The Atatus Laravel Octane Middleware enables the automatic instrumentation of API requests in Laravel Octane, capturing them and sending data to Atatus, which gives you a comprehensive Laravel Octane Performance Monitoring.

This Laravel Octane Middleware works both for Swoole Monitoring and Roadrunner Monitoring in Octane.

Atatus Laravel Octane Middleware Installation Steps

  1. Install/Configure Atatus Middleware

    Option 1: Install the atatus-octane laravel package using composer.

    composer require atatus/atatus-octane

    Option 2: Add atatus/atatus-octane to your project's composer.json file, and run composer install.

  2. To monitor laravel octane requests, attach WebRequestMonitoring middleware within the web and api middleware groups in the App/Http/Kernel.php file as shown below:

// In App/Http/Kernel.php

protected $middlewareGroups = [
    'web' => [

    'api' => [