Uninstall the agent - Rails

To uninstall the Atatus Ruby agent, follow the below steps.

  1. Remove the gem 'atatus' from the Gemfile.

  2. Delete the config/atatus.yml file from your config directory.

  3. Run the bundle install.

  4. Restart your Rails server after the uninstall step completes.

Uninstall the agent - Sinatra

To uninstall the Atatus Ruby agent, follow the below steps.

  1. Remove the gem 'atatus' from your Gemfile.

  2. From the config.ru file present in your root directory, remove the following.

    require 'atatus'
    use Atatus::Middleware
  3. Run the bundle install.

  4. Restart your Sinatra server after the uninstall step completes.