Atatus will monitor all console activities and include the information in the time line. Any calls made to console.error() function will automatically trigger an error. This function, by default is disabled. In order to enable it, do the following.

atatus.config('YOUR_API_KEY', {

    // Enable or Disable all console activity
    console: true,

    // By default Atatus will watch all console activity and include that information in the Timeline
    consoleTimeline: true,

    // Set this to false if you don't want your users seeing anything when the dev tools open.
    consoleDisplay: true

    // Set this to false if you don't want console.error() to trigger errors.
    consoleErrorNotify: true,

    // Specify levels only if you want to watch certain console functions
    consoleTimelineLevels: ["log","debug","info","warn","error"]



If you notice carefully, you may notice that console messages and stack traces contain references to atatus.js. This is a side-effect of wrapping. If you’re developing in Chrome, you can exclude our script by Blackboxing it. Also the debugger will not go to that atatus.js file when stepping through the code you're debugging.
