Atatus has numerous settings to configure the way you want to monitor your front-end applications.

Pass an object as the second parameter to the config() function containing one or more of these configurations mentioned below and a boolean to define its behavior:

Option Description Type
hashRoutes By default Atatus removes hash from the path. If you are using the hash based routes then you can set this option to true. boolean
tags Tags are used to search a specific error. Tags may contain release stage, plan etc. Set tags (array of strings) to send to Atatus with every error. array
customData Set additional meta-data (object) to send to Atatus with every error. It helps you to fix the error. Custom data cannot be searchable. object
version This will allow you to filter the errors in the dashboard by that version. string
console Atatus will watch all console activity and include that information in the Timeline. Also any calls to console.error() will automatically trigger an error. By default, it is disabled. If you want to capture console activity, set this option to true to enable it. boolean
offline Offline saving is disabled by default. The provider has a feature where if errors are caught when there is no network activity they can be saved (in Local Storage). When an error arrives and connectivity is regained, previously saved errors are then sent. boolean
whitelistUrls Captures page views, AJAX and JS Errors from the given set of domains or urls. Ignores the rest of the domains. array
ignoreUrls Ignore capturing metrics from given set of the domains or urls. array
ignoreErrors Very often, you will come across specific errors that are a result of something other than your application, or errors that you’re completely not interested in. ignoreErrors is a list of these messages to be filtered out before being sent to Atatus as either array of regular expressions or strings. array
reportUnhandledRejections This will allow to disable or enable the unhandled promise rejection errors. By default it is set to true. boolean
beforeSend This callback function will be called immediately before the payload is sent. A function that allows mutation of the data payload right before being sent to Atatus. Also you can inspect the payload and decide whether or not to send it. function
beforeErrorSend This callback function is very specific for error payload and it will be called for every error payload. This function allows mutation of the error payload right before being sent to Atatus. function
groupingKeyCallback You can control custom grouping for error instances by passing in a callback. This will override the automatic grouping and be used to group error instances together. Errors with the same key will be placed within the same error group. function
disableRUM RUM is enabled by default. Set this option to true to disable RUM Metrics. boolean
disableSession Session tracking is enabled by default. Set this option to true/false to disable/enable reporting of session traces. boolean
disableAjaxMonitoring Ajax Monitoring is enabled by default. Set this option to true to disable it. boolean
disableErrorTracking Error Monitoring is enabled by default. Set this option to true to disable it. boolean
disableBreadcrumbs Error Timeline is enabled by default. Set this option to true to disable it. boolean
maxDuplicateErrors Specifies the maximum number of duplicate errors allowed. Disabled by default. Set a value up to 10 to enable. number
atatus.config('YOUR_API_KEY', {

    hashRoutes: true,

    tags: ['production', 'premium'],
    customData: {
        name: "John Doe",
        plan: "premium",
        beta_access: true
    version: '1.0.0',
    console: true,
    offline: false,

    whitelistUrls: [

    ignoreUrls: [

    ignoreErrors: [
        'num.substr is not a function',
        /Random Exception.*/

    // Default, it is true.
    // You can set it false to disable it.
    reportUnhandledRejections: true,

    // You can disable/enable below features
    // By default all of them are enabled
    disableRUM: false,
    disableSession: false,
    disableAjaxMonitoring: false,
    disableErrorTracking: false,
    disableBreadcrumbs: false,

    // Allow maximum of 5 duplicate errors
    maxDuplicateErrors: 5,

    beforeSend: function (payload) {
        // You can modify the payload or filter out sensitive information
        // Return true to send or false to abort the send
        return true;
    groupingKeyCallback: function (error) {
        // Inspect the error and return a string derived from the properties you want
        return error.message;