Atatus does not automatically detect the CodeIgniter framework in PHP APM. That's why you do not see the transaction name in CodeIgniter web framework. This issue can be resolved by setting the framework name in Atatus configuration. This configuration can be set in different places.

1. atatus.ini file

If you run only one CodeIgniter application in your host, then you can directly set the framework name in atatus.ini as follows:

atatus.framework = "CodeIgniter"

You can find the path of atatus.ini file by running php -i | grep atatus.ini.

2. Apache

In Apache, you can set the framework name in .htaccess file.

.htaccess file

If you are running multiple application in Apache server, then you can set the framework name to specific app in the .htaccess file as follows.

php_value atatus.framework "CodeIgniter"

3. Nginx

There are two ways you can set the framework name in Nginx. You can do them through:

  1. Nginx config file
  2. .user.ini file

Nginx config file

If you are running multiple application and have Nginx configuration for each apps, then you can set the framework name to specific app in your Nginx configuration file as follows.

location /app {
  fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE "atatus.framework=CodeIgniter";

location /api {
  fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE "atatus.framework=CodeIgniter";

.user.ini file

You can also use .user.ini to set the framework as follows

atatus.framework = "CodeIgniter"