Bugherd Integrate BugHerd with Atatus

BugHerd is the easiest bug reporting tool that logs a bug immediately. It pins the feedback of the issues like a sticky note for easy developer access.


  1. Go to project Settings » Ticketing Integrations » BugHerd in Atatus.


  2. Copy and paste the API Key from BugHerd Settings » General Settings into the text box.

  3. From BugHerd project URL, copy the set of numbers that is a part of it and paste it into the project Id text box. Example, http://www.bugherd.com/projects/56688/kanban where 56688 is the project Id.

  4. Click on the Save button when you're done.

BugHerd is now successfully integrated with Atatus.

How to Use

  1. After you set up the integration, you'll notice a BugHerd button below the error message in the Error page. This will allow you to create a new task for the error, or link with an existing one.

    Create BugHerd Task

  2. Once the task is created or linked, you will see the link in the drop down menu. To go to the task in BugHerd simply click on the created link.

    View BugHerd Task